Yahoo! Expands Yahoo! Video

A week after introducing their new Lifecasting streaming service, Y Live, and a matter of days after buying video advertising firm, Maven, Yahoo continues to expand their online video offerings by rolling out a brand new version of Yahoo Video. Among the site's new features is a wider screen. The new Yahoo! Video supports a 16:9 player that's "far ahead of what most sites are offering," according to Yahoo. The site has upped its capacity, as well; filmmakers can now upload videos up to 150 MB. Yahoo Video's content has also been expanded, featuring videos on topics including music, movies, TV, news, and sports.

Taking a cue from Google-owned YouTube, Yahoo Video is also expanding its sharing options, letting users embed videos in their blogs and Websites. Users can also create and embed video playlists.

On the social side of things, Yahoo Video is seeking to expand its community by adding more in-depth profiles, letting users create nicknames, design user playlists, add contacts, and leave comments.

According to a post of Yahoo's Video Blog, the site will be rolling out even more features in the near future.

Source: PC Magazine